On Monday, October 2, 2023, our school, Christ the King, got a very cute surprise outside their doors. Around 3:45 p.m., students started to notice a well-behaved stray dog lingering outside the doors of the school. Many students believe the dog was a runaway, but no one could figure out where it came from. The dog was found wearing a collar, but there was no owner around or who came looking for the dog. The dog caused a lot of commotion for the students, but not in a bad way.
Everyone who met the dog staff and students had nothing but good words to say. They all said how sweet and calm the dog was, as many students were petting it. Even some students claim the dog ran inside the school but was placed back out for safety reasons. As much as everyone loved the cute and sweet dog, there was the problem of what we were going to do with the dog because no one wanted to leave the dog alone with nowhere to go. Thankfully for the students and the dog, our sophomore biology teacher, Mr. Kim, was willing to take the dog home with him for the time being.

What future is in store for this beautiful canine? Will he become a permanent member of the Kim household? Could he be adopted by someone in the CTK family? Or…could he become our official school mascot. Now, off to scour Amazon for a dog-sized gladiator helmet.
Mr. Kim • Oct 10, 2023 at 9:59 am
Great article, Dayvionna! So far the dog is STILL living with me and my family, and he’s getting more comfortable by the day. He still isn’t eating regularly, but we are able to slowly hand feed him. We will nurse him back to full health and while we try to find his original home. If we can’t reunite him, we will try to find a warm and loving home for him. Fingers crossed!