On November 3, 2023, CTK’s Counseling Team hosted its first Career Talk of the 2023-2024 year. I personally had a wonderful talk. I would like to share some things I learned from this discussion:
Budgeting is super important to learn. Especially for the discussion, which was all about Nonprofit work. You won’t always have a good source of income and it’s a nice lesson to learn in life.
First impressions do, in fact, last. In both of the “interviewees’” journeys, they both exclaimed how impactful those initial impressions were. One said that they were chosen over people who had more years of experience because of the impression that they made.
Always come with the right attitude. One of the ïnterviewees, a black woman, was applying for a job position against an older white man. The interviewee admitted this was intimidating, but she never showed her nervousness, and because of that she got the job on the spot.
All in all, hearing from professionals in the field I am interested in was a wonderful way to figure out if this was something for me to explore in college and beyond. The speakers were candid and open to every question. Beyond the Career Talk, the Counseling team hosted dozens of colleges in our school gym. We were able to visit different tables, and speak to lots of admissions officers about schools and programs.